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The Killings at Badger's Drift


影片名:Midsomer Murders, S01:E01, The Killings at Badger's Drift

S01:E01 - Season 01 : Episode 01,第1季第1集。episode,插曲(某事件;某事发生的短暂时间);剧集(一般一周更新放映一次)。

midsomer - midsummer的过时写法。本片中是一个虚构的英格兰县,影片开头有一个路牌,写着:“Badger's Drift, Midsomer's best kept village”,意思大概是,Badger's Drift是Midsomer保存最好的村庄。


Screenplay by Anthony Horowitz - Screenplay 剧本。

From the novel by Caroline Graham

Starring - 主演

Directed by - 导演是

caption - 字幕。

subtitle - 字幕。

第一幕 Emily之死


-[Doctor] Hello, Missis Simpson. Have a very good afternoon.

bright playful music - 明快俏皮的音乐。

Daily Mirror, forward with the people. 这是一块招牌上的字样。《每日镜报》的口号是“与人民同行”,The Sun's slogan was 'Forward with the People', which had been adopted by the Mirror in 1945 and only recently dropped. - 参见谷歌快照《An Introduction to the Daily Mirror》。hayday好天气,全盛时期。hay干草。

-[Lucy] Ah, sneaking off, aren't you, Emily? 偷偷溜走,不是吗?

-[Emily] I wouldn't call it sneaking, Lucy. Anyway, who's talking? You've been out all day! 我不会称它为溜。不管怎样,是谁在说话?你自己已经出去一整天了!

-I'm not gonna tell you where. 我不会告诉你我去了哪里。

-You didn't find it? 你没有找到?

-No. 没有。

-You'll be buying me tea this year, my dear. You wait and see! 今年你会给我买茶,你等着看!

-Chance would be a fine thing! 有机会(让我给你买茶)就好了!

pros and cons - 优点和缺点


birds chirp - 鸟儿叽叽喳喳。

Spurred coral root - 刺珊瑚根。spur马刺。"It's an orchid(兰花), not a flower."

padlock clicks - 挂锁咔咔声。

camera clicks - 相机咔咔声。

man moans - 男人呻吟。

man pants - 男人喘息。pant喘气。

bird flaps - 鸟儿拍飞。

Emily shrieks - Emily尖叫。


brakes screech - 刹车声。brake刹车,screech发出尖叫、噪声。


slow sinister music - sinister险恶的。

bees buzz - 蜜蜂嗡嗡。

beehive cottage - 蜂巢小屋。beehive /ˈbiː.haɪv/ 蜂窝;cottage /ˈkɑː.t̬ɪdʒ/ /ˈkɒt.ɪdʒ/小屋。

cat meows - meow /ˌmiˈaʊ/ 喵

Come on, out you go - 来,你出去。

door thuds - 门砰的一声。thud /θʌd/ 撞击声,砰。

dial up phone rattles - 拨号嘎嘎声。rattle 拨浪鼓;嘎嘎声。

door rattles.

bangs. - to (cause something to) make a sudden very loud noise or noises.

birds squawk - 鸟叫(不好的声音)。squawk - (of a bird) to make an unpleasantly loud, sharp noise.

door knocks - 敲门声。

door knob screeches - 门把手尖叫(声)。

intense sinister music - 激烈险恶的音乐。

dark dreamy music - 黑暗梦幻的音乐。

第二幕 初步调查

-This is it, here, Sir.

-Really, Troy? I'd never have guessed.

crowd chatters - 人群闲聊。

We only ever meet when there's a corpse. - 我们只有在有尸体的时候会见面。corpose - 尸体。ever - at any time: Nothing ever happened in this evening. Have you ever gone to London?

broken neck - 脖子断了。

scuff marks on the carpet - 地毯上有磨损痕迹。scuff vt. 磨损,擦伤。

a blow to the back of the neck and then dragged over here - 颈后遭到一击,然后被拖到这里。

spinster - 老处女。

The old girl who lives opposite - 住在对面的老姑娘。

She slammed the door for a start - 她猛地关上门。slam 猛撞。

She didn't padlock her tricycle - 她没有锁上三轮车。padlock 挂锁。tricycle 三轮车。

There's no reflection on you, Chief Inspector, but to leave her tricycle like that, she must have been very upset. 总督察,对你来说没有什么反应(没有什么好奇怪的),但是就这样把她的三轮车丢下,她一定很沮丧。

-I'll have to go over tomorrow. I still haven't told the bees. - go over: to make one's way 开辟新的路。 i.g. go over to store for supplies. 去商店购买日用品。

-I'm sorry?

-Well you have to tell the bees when someone dies. Otherwise they just clear off. - Telling the bees 养蜂人有一个传统,会将重大事件(生老病死婚姻等)告诉蜜蜂,否则上天会使养蜂家庭受到惩罚(比如本片中Miss Bellringer 说蜜蜂会全部走开)。

clock bell chimes - 钟声响起。chime /tʃaɪm/ 1.(钟)响起(尤其是告诉你到几点了);2. 与某某相同或具有相同的效果:e.g. Her views on life didn't chime with mine. 她的人生观和我不太一致。

tower bell rings.

-Clear off her rocker, if you ask me. - rock: 岩石;前后摇晃,rock music摇滚乐。rocker,摇椅,(摇椅等下面的)两条弯木(用来摇晃)之一;off one's rocker: 处于极度混乱或精神不健全的状态。in a state marked by extreme confusion or mental unsoundness: … he felt dizzy, slightly off his rocker at this extraordinary assailment of his senses.

-You didn't believed her?

-Well, what she got to go on? A slammed door and a trike that wasn't padlocked. It's a waste of time.

undertaker - 殡仪员。

-I based in Causton but it happens I live here in Badger's Drift and I thought I ought to pop by. Miss Simpson was a client. 我在Causton上班,但是碰巧我住这里。pop by: 顺便过来一下;pop, (spoken) to go somewhere for a short time.

-I'm sorry?

-She'd pre-paid. Our Satin Service. It's one of our complete funeral packages. Very up-market, although between you and me. I let her have it at a discount (sniffs). She taught my mom, you know. - Satin,缎面,绸缎,这里应该指服务的等级,类似金卡会员、银卡会员。

-What can I do for you, Mister Rainbird?

-I was wondering if I could take her, the deceased. - decease=death. the deceased去世的人。

-Oh, I'm afraid that won't be possible for a little while.

-Oh! You do suspect some naughtiness. It was her neck, I undertand. 你确实怀疑有一些捣蛋鬼。致命伤在颈部,我知道的。- naughty 顽皮的;naughtiness 名词,顽皮。

-[Troy] Who told you that?

-Come on, everybody knows that by now. It's that sort of village.

-[Troy] Well, you can't have the body yet. All right? Sir?

-[to Barnaby] Oh, I see you've got a right constable there. You let me know when you're ready for me.

-[Troy] See the car?


-You wouldn't have thought they were so well paid, would you, undertakers? 你应该没有想到殡仪员会获得如此高的报酬,不是吗?

-Check the camera, and the telephones. Find out what calls did Miss Simpson made after six o'clock.

-So you're taking it seriously then, sir?

-No, Troy, I'm just filling in time until tea.

-Right! Oh, camera and telephone, right. What about you?

-I must find a doctor.

-Something wrong, sir?

-Emily Simpson's doctor, Troy. Maybe she did suffer from dizzy spells. Maybe she did just fail. Either way, I want to know. - spell 拼写;咒语。





DR. - Doctor。Trevor Lessiter是医生的名字。

M.B B.S - Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery 内外全科医学士

M.R.C.G.P - Membership of the Royal College of General Practitioners 英国皇家全科医生学院会员资格。pratitioner 从业者。general pratitioner 全科医生。

She is remarkably fit for her age. - 在她这个年龄,她显得非常健康。fit 健康的。

I liked to drop in at the end of my rounds. You know, glass of sherry and all that. - go round to sb's house 拜访某人。 drop in - 顺便过来。

cricket 板球。

But she never got round to saying what it was. - 她没能说出来是什么事。get round to 做成了一件你因其他事情被耽搁了事。

I've got to talk to someone. - 我得这个人说说话。have (got) to 不得不。

-Did she say what it was?


-Didn't you press her?

-We're not meant to. - 我们不是故意的。

-And there was nothing more?

-I'm sorry, Inspector. I know there was something else but I can't think. 我知道还有些事情,但是我想不起来。

-Well, if it does come to you, can you give us ring? 当你想起来,能不能给我们一个电话。

-Yes, of course.

ring off - 挂断电话。

Inspector - 督察。

scrambled eggs - 炒鸡蛋。scramble 争夺。

Stuck with a heavy object as yet unidentified at the base of the neck. 脖子根部被一个尚未辨认的重物卡住。

sombre music - 阴沉的音乐。

The grass flattened, brambles broken. 草被压扁了,荆棘断了。

What, you think someone's been having it away? 你认为有人把它们拿走了?

Two people bonking? 两个人搏斗/性交?

tweezers - 镊子。

-A piece of black fibre. 一片黑色纤维。

-Off their clothes. 从他们的衣服上掉下来的?

-No, I don't think so. I'd say a blanket or rug, something like that. 我认为是毯子或地毯。

I want the whole place gone over. - go over 仔细检查。

Do you really think that's what it came down to, sir? 你真的认为这就是问题所在吗?

Unless it was adultery. 除非是通奸。

I suppose they could have been arse-bandits. - 我猜想可能他们是屁股小偷(同性恋)。arse(粗鲁的词)屁股。bandit 有武器的小偷。

You mean "homesexuals", Troy? Troy,你是说同性恋?

You are as politically correct as Nuremberg rally. 你和纽伦堡集会(德国纳粹一年一度的党代会)一样政治正确。


eerie music - 怪异的音乐。

pot to kettle. 把锅里(的水)倒到壶里,应该是上茶的意思。(影片中,茶水是装在瓷壶里)

eyrie - 是 aerie 的另一种写法,鹰巢。an elevated often secluded dwelling, structure, or position 较高且通常僻静的住宅、结构或位置。If you refer to a place such as a house or a castle as an eyrie, you mean it is built high up and is difficult to reach.

My hide. Yes, I'm a keen observer of wild life, birds. 我的隐藏爱好,我喜欢观察野生动物——鸟。

I thought I saw a pair of binoculars. 我想我看见了一副望远镜。

trolley 手推车。

Do help yourself. 请自便。

widower - 鳏夫。widow 寡妇。

The clubs are anchovy. Salmon spread in the hearts. Marmite spades and potted meat diamonds.

梅花状的anchovy。Salmon spread是心形的。黑桃状的Marmite。方块状的potted meat. - potted: preserved in a pot, jar, or can: potted meat.

Not that you'll find her there. 并不是说你会在那里找到她。

Done very nicely for herself. 为自己做得很好。

-Iced sombrero, constable. - Iced sombrero冰阔边帽(应该是这种形状的食物),constable 警员。constabulary 警察局。

-No, thank you. And I'm a sergeant.


Chief constable, Deputy chief constable, Assistant chief constable, Chief superintendent总警司, Superintendent警司, Chief inspector总督察, Inspector督察, Sergeant警长, Constable警员. - 参考维基百科

Detective是警察的前缀之一,比如Detective Chief Inspector。这种警察一般穿便衣,职位和职级和制服警察一样。

-I mean what are you likely to see flying at that time? 我的意思你那个时候想要看什么飞禽?

-Owls. 猫头鹰。

These two give me the creeps. 这两个人让我毛骨悚然。give someone the creeps - to cause someone to have uncomfortable feelings of nervousness or fear:

-You don't suppose it was him in the woods, do you? 你该不会认为是他在树林里吧?

-I somehow doubt it, Troy. 我有点怀疑。

They certainly had it in for her. 他们当然是为了她。


'Tis Pity She's a Whore. 可惜她是一个妓女,John Ford 导演的音乐剧。'Tis 是 it is 的缩写。

Would you go through my lines with me? 你可以帮我一起练习一下台词吗?

I doubt he'll have time. 我怀疑他是否有时间。

quail - 鹌鹑。

(Telephone rings) I'll get it. 我去接电话。

In the pond behind the quarry. 在采石场后面的池塘里。

-Think what the police would make of it if their forensic people got hold of it. 想想警察会怎么想,如果他们的法医人员拿到了它。make of - to have an impression or understanding about something. 对某事有印象或有了解。

-They'd have a field day. 他们会度过愉快的一天。field day 特殊的一天。

-This is the big one, Denny. This is going to make us very, very rich. 这是最重要的,这会让我变得非常富有。

Two colomns in the local rag and a coroner's re-port. - coroner 验尸官。

Tye House

tyres screech - 轮胎尖叫声。

bright upbeat music - 明亮欢快的音乐。upbeat 乐观的。

-How the other half live?

-Rather less then half I'd say. 我说目前还不是(富豪的)另一半。

estate manager - 物业经理。

-I don't suppose you were in the village at any time at between six and eight on Wednesday? 我想你周三六点到八点之间的任何时间都不会在村子里?

-No. Don't remember where I was. Out in the fields. 不在。不太记得我去了哪里。我出去到田野里去了。

drawing room - 客厅。

late wife - 已故的妻子。

as a matter of fact - 事实上。

-If it's not too painful, sir, I'd be interested to know how your wife died. 如果不是太痛苦的话,先生,我很想知道你妻子是怎么死的。

-It is painful. And I don't see how it's relevant. 很痛苦。并且我没有看到(这两件事的)相关性。

-Miss Simpson could have known your wife as Annabella. As a nick name, pet name or something like that. If there is a connection - - Simpson女士可能知道你的妻子是Annabella,一个昵称、爱称或其他啥的。

-There is no connection.

-We need to be sure.

-(sighs) If you insist. It was two years ago... 如果你坚持的话。

And Bella's sister had come along. Phyllis, Phyllis Cadell. She didn't shoot that ofen and I always wondered why she closed that day of all days. - Bella的姐妹Phyllis Cadell也来了,她不经常射击,我常常想知道,为什么那天她整天关门(可能是有个私人商店)。

He'd come as a beater, to scare the birds. 他来的任务敲击吓唬鸟。

I suppose it's always easy to talk about these thing with hindsight but I'm often felt think we were ill-fated that day. 我想事后谈论这些事情总是很容易的,但我常常觉得我们那天运气不好。

Bella tripped on a root and twisted her ankle rather badly. - Bella被树根绊倒并且脚踝被扭伤得非常严重。

But by the time ambullance arrived it was all over. 但当救护车到达时,一切都结束了。

dog whines - 狗呜呜声。

generator - 发电机。

marquee - 帐篷。

You finished it, I take it? (警官)你的问讯结束了吧?我可以做其他的事情吧?

He was a sort of guardian. 他是某种守护者。

We won't take up any more or your time. 我们不再占用您的时间了。

exhale - 呼气。

But I do what I can even I'm quite worn out. - 我尽我所能帮忙,即使我累坏了。wear 磨损。

mistress - 女主人,具有权威或控制地位的女人;情妇。

Henry has a cottage on the estate and I'm being pensioned off there. I'm quite looking forward to it.

Pathetic. - 可怜的。

She was scared shitless. - 她被吓得屁滚尿流。

You do have a way with words, don't you?

What are we investigating, sir? Emily Simpson or Belly Trace?

There's no point asking me about it. 没有必要问我这个问题。

I don't have anything to do with the village. And the village doesn't have much to do with me.我和那村子没有任何关系。那村子和我也没有太大关系。

-Could you tell me where you were on last Wednesday?

-No. I don't know. Maybe I'm here, I'm most days.

-Not much of life. 没什么生活。

-My work is my life. You wouldn't understand that. 我的工作就是我的生活。你不会理解这一点。I might have gone for a walk or something, I don't remember.

Missis - Miss, Misses 小姐。

I ran hell for leather back to Tye House. - hell表示程度,加强语气。

I'll say one thing for Katherine. She certainly doesn't come cheap. 我要为Katherine说一件事,她的价格当然不便宜。


intense uneasy music - 强烈不安的音乐。

-This noble creature was in every part. So angel-like, so glorious, that a woman, who was not human, as was I -- 这个高贵的生物无处不在。

-Had not been but human. 只不过是人类。

-Who had not been but human, as was I. Would have kneeled to him and begged for love. 谁不是人类,就像我一样。会向他下跪并乞爱。You, why you are not worthy once to name. His name without true worship, or indeed. Unless you kneeled, to have another name him. 你,为何连一次的名字都不配。 他的名字没有真正的崇拜,或者说确实如此。 除非你跪下来给他起另一个名字

-What was he called?

-We not come to that. 我们并没有谈到这个。Let it suffice that you shall have the glory. 只要你拥有荣耀就足够了。To father what so brave a father got. 对于父亲来说,一个父亲有多么勇敢。

That sounded good. It's coming along.

She's wonderful. We're gonna have to go up and see it.

-If I ever manage to learn it all. 如果我能学会这一切就好了。manage to do 设法做,(尽管有困难)成功做。

I've got a nice Pot-au-feu in the deep freeze. 我有一份美味的冷冻炖锅。Pot-au-feu (/ˌpɒtoʊˈfɜːr/; French: [pɔt‿o fø] ( listen); "pot on the fire") is a French dish of slowly boiled meat and vegetables, usually served as two courses: first the broth (bouillon) and then the meat (bouilli) and vegetables.

horse nickers - nicker: 1, (of a horse) give a soft, low, breathy whinny. 2, a nickering sound.

white lilies - 白百合。

This is the Satin Service.

Whimsical sombre music - 异想天开的忧郁音乐。

You've withdrawn 500 pounds from our joint reserve account. 您已经从我们的联合储蓄账户中提取了500英镑。

overdraw - 透支。

I thought I'd leave you two to bicker in private. 我想我应该让你俩私下斗嘴。

I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand upon the last on the earth. Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another.(祷告)我知道我的救世主还活着。- mine 用在元音之前,相当于my.

Missis Rainbird no more a bird-wather than I am. - Rainbird女士和我一样都不是鸟类观察者。

personalised Porsche. 个性化的保时捷。

Rain stopped play. 雨停止了比赛。

His wife's just as bad. 他的妻子同样糟糕。

It's early closing. 关门还早呀。

There's something wrong and something that doesn't add up. 有些地方出了问题,有些地方不合逻辑。

Maybe he was. Maybe he simply mistaken in his account. But he wasn't telling us the truth. 他可能是(在撒谎),也可能只是记错了。但是他没有告诉我们事实。

Why did he run all the way back to Tye House to call the ambullance when the accident happened on the other side of the village? 事故发生在村子的另一边,为什么他还要千里迢迢跑回The House叫救护车呢?

-It seems they're all bloody liars. 看起来他们都是该死的撒谎者。bloody - used to express anger or to emphasize what you are saying in a slightly rude way.

-One of them is something more. 其中一个有更多东西。

Forasmuch as it hath pleased Almighty God of his great mercy to take unto himself, the soul of our dear sister here departed, we therefore commit her body to the ground; earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust; Amen.

It's early days yet. 现在还早呢。

Not for poor Emily.

Come and have sherry. 来喝杯雪莉酒吧!I feel the need of a drink. I'm afraid funerals do that for me. 我觉得需要喝一杯,恐怕葬礼对我来说就是这样。

polio - 脊髓灰质炎。

pensive music - pensive沉思的。

She adored him. Still does for all I know. - 她崇拜/喜欢他,据我所知(for all I know)仍然如此。

She was Herry's ward. 她是Herry的被监护人。

Herry sort of adopted them. - Herry有点收养了他们。

set them up in a gamekeeper's cottage on the estate. - 把他们放在庄园的猎场看守人的小屋里。

They are very young then, barely in their teens. - 他们那时候还很小,才十几岁。

nanny - 保姆。

There was a nanny, Mary Sharpe, Nanny Sharpe, which was meant to look after them. - 有一个保姆,叫Sharpe,是为了照顾他们。

-But she had a terrible time. 但是她度过了一段糟糕的时光。

-In what way? 以什么样的方式?

-The children were always fighting. Endless rows. - 孩子们总是打架,无休止地争吵。row 可数名词,争吵:A row is a serious disagreement between people or organizations.

In the end, Mary upped and left. - 最后,Mary起身离开了。up 动词,增加;突然离开:If you up and leave a place, you go away from it, often suddenly or unexpectedly.

Now she's retired down on the coast. 现在她在海边退休了。

-If you ask me, Katherine is the one to look out for. 如果你问我,凯瑟琳是值得留意的人。

-Meaning? 意思是?

-That girl is far too beautiful for other people's good. 那个女孩太漂亮了,不利于别人。That girl is far too beautiful for other people's good. If she was found bonking in the wood, she has the most to lose. 如果她被发现在树林里打滚(性交),她的损失将是最大的。

She's got a point. 她说得有道理。

it barks its head off. 它拼命狂叫。its head在这里表示强烈程度。You'd have heard it a mile away! 你一英里外都能听见它。

Damn! Do you know, for a minute I thought I had the whole thing solved. 该死!你知道吗,有一瞬间我以为我已经解决了整个问题。

I think I deserve another Marron Lyonnaise. - 我认为我值得再来一份我值得再来一份马龙·里昂酱。

I want their clothes bagged and down forensics. - 我想把他们的衣服打包并取证。forensics法医。

What a mess. - 真是一团糟。

She's being treated for shock outside, no surprise. - 她休克了,正在外面接受治疗,这并不奇怪。shock休克。

Don't expect to get much sense. - 不要指望得到太多意义。

You'd better come up and take a look at this. 你最好过来看看这个。

-You're not going to believe it. 你不会相信的。

-On the contrary, Troy, I rather think I will. 恰恰相反,我觉得我会相信的。

What was it she said, sir? 先生,她说了什么?

Listen to this: At 10:30 a.m. Mister and Missis W crossed over by post box to avoid Miss G. 10点30分,W先生和W小姐穿过邮政信箱以避免G小姐。

11:00 a.m. A called on Miss S., stayed 15 minutes. 上午11:00,A拜访了S小姐,停留了15分钟。

There must be a couple of hundred entries in this file alone. 仅这个文件中就得有上百个条目。May thousands of them over the years. 可能有这几年的上千条记录。

I want them all taken down. 我希望他们都被记录下来了。take down 1, 记录write down; 2, 拆除dismantle: wall, fence etc.

We're gonna have to go through the whole lot of them. 我们不得不要把它们全部浏览一遍。

blackmail - n. & vt. 勒索。

She wasn't a bad old stick. 她不是一个很坏的人。

She is a bit perculiar, her and her son. Him being au undertaker and all. - 她和她的儿子有点奇怪。他是殡仪馆的承办人等等。perculiar - 奇特的。

But she was very good for me, in her own way, very good to me.

One is getting wed. 将要结婚的那个。

-That's a bend just ahead. 前面就是一个转弯。

-Now, I've seen it, sir. 我看到了。

And do me a favor, Troy, when we get there, if we get there, park at the bottom of the lane. 帮我一个忙,特洛伊,当我们到达那里时,如果我们到达那里,请将车停在车道的底部。

yells - 呼喊。

Sometimes you really make me sick. 有时你真的让我感到恶心。

I don't care if you marry him for money, but why can't you come clean and admit it? 我不在乎你嫁给他是不是为了钱,但你不坦白承认。come clean 坦白说出来。admit 承认。

It's not like that. 不是那样的。

So what is it like? Tying yourself to a bloody cripple at your age. 在你这个年纪,把自己绑在一个该死的瘸子身上。tying - tie的现在分词。

That bloody cripple looked after us. If it hadn't been for him, we wouldn't have had a home. We wouldn't have had anything.

Yes, he's getting his pound of flesh, isn't he? - 是的,他正在得到一磅肉(意思是买到回报)。

He's not buying me, Michael.

So what is he doing then? Renting you by the hour? 那他现在是做什么?按小时租赁你吗?

slaps - 拍击。

Alright, then. Don't come to our wedding. Henry and I are better off without you. 那好吧。不要来参加我们的婚礼。没有你,亨利和我会过得更好。be better off - If you say that someone would be better off doing something, you are advising them to do it or expressing the opinion that it would benefit them to do it: If you've got bags you're better off taking a taxi.

I won't bother buying a present, then!

-Do you want to go follow her, sir?

-No, Troy, I'd like to take a closer look in here.

-What? Go in without a warrant? Isn't that a bit? - 什么?没有搜查令就进去?warrant - 保证;值得,有必要;搜查令;做某事的依据。

-You have a problem, Troy?

-No, no. Just glad I didn't suggest it. 只是庆幸我没如此建议。

-If anybody finds us, you did.

-Pity. 真遗憾。

-Locked? 锁上了?


-I can force it. 我可以强行弄开它。

Thank you all the same.

-Mom gone to bed? 妈妈已经睡了吗?

-Hours ago. 几小时前(就睡了)。What's all this? 这到底是什么?

-Notebooks. Iris Rainbrid took a Neighbourhood Watch to unheard of extremes. - Iris Rainbrid将邻里守望者组织带到了前所未闻的极端。extreme - 极端。

You wouldn't think that one small village could have so much trouble bubbling under the surface.

-Was it very horrid? The bodies.

-I've seen worse.

I'm one more step further down the road. - 我在路上又向前迈进了一步。

-I haven't read lines with you. How's it going?

-Oh well, four acts down, one to go. - 四幕已结束,还剩一幕。

-Yes, I suppost it's the last act that really matters. 是的,我认为真正重要的是最后一幕。

car rumbles - 车隆隆地。

peacock hoots - 孔雀叫。

It's out of the question. - 这是不可能的。

Voice of sanity. 理智的声音。

Parish Council - 教区议会。

It was only later I realised. 后来我才意识到。

Everything's over, it's all slipping away. 一切都结束了,一切都过去了。

-I don't suppose you saw anyone in the woods? 我想你在树林里没有看到任何人吧?

-No. 没有看到。

Phillips Codell, I'm here arresting you on suspicion of the murder of Bella Trace on 26th of June 1995.

You don't have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something that you reply on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence.

He was in that wheelchair and she just couldn't cope.

It's something one does in the country. 这是国内每个人都会做的事情。

I took a hip flask, filled with vodka and I kept on drinking. It was the only that I could get the courge.

All the dead birds. The noise, the blood that made me feel sick and dizzy. 到处都是死鸟。噪音、血液让我感到恶心和头晕。

I didn't think I was gonna be able to do it.

I doubled back behind the trees and managed to hide. - 我折回树后并设法躲了起来。double back, to turn and go back in the direction you have come from.

Then I waited until I had a clear shot. And then. I shot her. 然后我就等到了清晰的视角。然后,我就开枪打了她。第一个shot是“镜头”的意思,第二个shot,是shoot的过去式及过去分词。

It was terrible. I saw her pitch forward and fall to the ground. - 太可怕了。我看到她向前倾倒,倒在了地上。pitch, to move or be moved suddenly, especially by throwing or being thrown.

And then, I just panicked. 然后,我就惊慌失措了。panickis a common misspelling of panic.

I got up and I ran and I ran.

I thought then that I'd done it, that I got away with it. 那时我想我已经做到了,我逃脱了惩罚。

How could I have known that I'd been seen? 我想知道,我是怎么被看见的?

She put it all in those notebooks, didn't she? I had to go to that revolting house.

I expect you'll be needed more than ever at Tye House now. 我预计Tye House现在比以往任何时候都更需要你。Quite the chatelaine you'll be, won't you? Now, what will you have?

dramatic siniter music - 戏剧性的险恶音乐

The diamonds are marmite, the spades are jam, the hearts are tuna and the clubs are sandwich spread. 方块是马麦酱,黑桃是果酱,红心是金枪鱼,梅花是三明治。

spread - 放在面包或饼干上的软质食物(酱)。a soft food for putting on bread and crackers:

cheese/chocolate/fish spread

There's bread and various spreads for tea.

voiceover - 画外音。

How much did they take? 他们拿了多少钱?

They'd even stopped asking me. They knew I was cleaned out. 他们甚至不再找我要了。他们知道我被掏空了。

Sir, there's someone here for you in reception. 先生,有人在接待处等候您。

There's something about that story, the shooting party, that still not right.

You know you featured in here? 你知道你自己被包括在这个笔记本中了吗?

He was wearing his denims and that cap he wears. 那个人穿着他的牛子裤和帽子。

brutal - 野蛮的。

-You again. You don't give up, do you?

-Mister Lacey, we're here in connection with the death of Iris Rainbird.

-In connection with. You policemen have a wonderful way of expressing yourselves.

-As you may know, Mister Lacey, she was murdered in a particularly brutal fashion. 你可能知道,莱西先生,她是被以一种特别残酷的方式谋杀的。

-I hope you're not looking for insincere expressions of regret on my part, Chief Inspector. 我希望你不是在寻找我不真诚的遗憾表示,总督察。She was a very nasty woman. 她是个令人讨厌的女人。

-Did you ever go to her house?


-So what would you say if I told you that somebody had been you entering her front door shortly after four o'clock yesterday afternoon?

-I would say they needed their eyes testing.

-(Troy) Mister Lacey, we have a warrant here to search these premises. - premises, 某人(一般是公司或组织)拥有的土地和建筑the land and buildings owned by someone, especially by a company or organization. premise, 前提。

-So how do you explain this, Sir?

-I can't! Of course I can't!

-Where have you put the clothes?

-What clothes?

-The dungarees, the cap and the golves. 工作服、帽子和手套。


-The clothes you wore to kill Iris Rainbird.

-You're raving mad! 你疯了吧!rave, to speak in an uncontrolled way, usually because you are upset or angry, or because you are sick.

I've been framed. 我被陷害了。

a custody death.

-Maybe we should have put her on suicide watch, sir?

-Is that a reprimant, Troy? 'Cause you're right. This is my fault.

-Maybe she's better off this way. All things considered.

-That is not the point.

Lacey has been shouting his mouth off, sir. 莱西一直在大喊大叫。

door clanks. 门叮当响。

How nice of you to look in, Chief Inspector.

-You say what you've got to say and get on with it. 你说出你必须说的话,然后继续说下去。

-I want to go home.

-Aren't you, Mister Comedy? You want the truth, Mister Lacey. I've had you up to here. 我几乎都查出你的罪了。

You were in such a hurry to drag me off yesterday. 你昨天那么急着把我拖走。

mid-morning - 上午中旬。

Caped Crusader - 斗篷十字军

He only did the first sketches but they took all day. 他只画了草图,但是这些草图花了一天的时间。

He said I had a wonderful complicated face.

He's a surrealist, is he? 他是超现实主义者,是吗?

-And since everyone's always picking on him, you might as well know he was there the night Emily Simpson died too. 既然每个人都在找他的茬,你不妨知道艾米丽·辛普森去世的那天晚上他也在他的工作室里。

-You've seen quite a bit of him, is there something that I ought to know? 你已经和他见过不少次面了,有没有什么事是我该知道的?(你有没有和他发生过什么?)

-What? Something like you and your Missis Whiplash? Or Barbara and all her boyfriends? No, dad, there's nothing you need to know at all. 什么事?就像你和Whiplash太太那样吗?或者Barbara和她的那些男朋友一样?没有,爸爸,没有什么事是你应该知道的(我和他没有发生那样的事)。

In fact I think she may have told us more than she meant to. 事实上我认为她告诉了我们比她本意更多的事情。

-It's very good.

-It's only Marks and Sparks, I'm afraid. You should have told me you were coming.

-Marks and Sparks is fine.

The Lessiter girl backed up his alibi. 莱斯特女孩支持了他的不在场证据。

It had to be a trick. 这一定是一个诡计。

car honks. 汽车鸣笛。

I have to be off. 我要走了。

Burnham Crescent - Burnham发音为[BUR] + [NUHM]。crescent雕刻成的类似新月的形状。

Up ahead this road on the left. 往这条路前面的左边走。

They were not easy children but of course under the circumstances, one had to make allowances. 他们不是好孩子,但当然在这种情况下,人们必须体谅他们。

Every day it was a slanging match. 每天都是一场谩骂比赛。She'd scream at him and he'd fling himself out of the house.

cup shatters. 杯子粉碎。

How could I've betrayed them? 我怎么可能背叛他们?

All she had to do was to hand the dog over to her brother. 她所要做的就是把狗交给她哥哥。

Why wouldn't he open the door. Because then she'd have seen the dog and that would have spoiled the whole set-up. 那会破坏整个设计。

If it hadn't been for an observant neighbour and an unlocked tricycle, we'd have never been any the wiser. 如果没有细心的邻居和一辆没上锁的三轮车,我们永远不会变得更聪明。

Yes, they're clever, weren't they? Always working off one another.

Whoever went to the house was wearing overalls and a cap and they probably made sure they were seen at least from behind. - overalls工作服。

Katherine stabbed them and then she put the knife and the blood-soaked overalls into the basket.

Bella Trace was just a freak change, wrong place, wrong time.

makesman - 制造者。

bludgeon, poison, stab

sheep bleat - 羊咩咩叫。

"I've been framed." And he made this sign. It was a coded message. He was warning her to remove the picture. - 我把画装在框里了。frame, 把画装框,When a picture or photograph is framed, it is put in a frame.

It'd have given the game away, wouldn't it? 这幅画泄露了这个游戏,不是吗?give away泄露,If you give away information that should be kept secret, you reveal it to other people.

-It's powerful. It's brilliant even in its own way.

-He had talent.

-But so twisted.

-I almost guessed it when we came here. The three bedrooms and only one bed slept in. They pulled the wool right over my eyes.

-(Troy) When?

-That time we came here and they were arguing. They really did seem to hate each other, didn't they? And they couldn't have staged it for our benefit. Because they didn't know we were here. Except they did. They saw us in the mirror. And they did put on a show.

-Poor Emily.

-(Troy) And poor Annabella. Who was she?

-I don't suppose we'll ever know.

I hope you're not gonna fall asleep in this.

I wouldn't dream of it.

Anyway, after what you've just been through, a start of incest should be right up your street.

Come this in sadness from you.

Let some mystery befall me soon if I dissemble all.